About us

A and I Yard Art specializes in repurposing scrap metal into art for your home. We pride ourselves in every piece being handcrafted.
We are a family owned business. 75% of our products are designed and fabricated by us. We are part of an association of metal artisans where we have other family businesses who help us produce.
We started out as a metal fabrication company only; however, we have now expanded our business into more home decor that is also handcrafted. Such as pottery and vintage wrought iron.
How A&I was founded...
"This business was started, literally by an accident. I never imagined doing what I do now as a living. I actually started out in the banking industry. After being in that for many years as a stock broker, I pursued a career as a 'head hunter' developing and owning a company by the name of Tri-Global Recruiting Services. Things were booming until the economic fall of 2008, when most recruiting firms were let go, and was then offered a huge sales opportunity with a national cable company.In working with the company, I developed a sale strategy that had produced millions in profits for the company.
When I had finally built an empire, my luck had run out, and it was all taken from me. In 2012, working on the new development of digital cable, coming down a staircase, I missed a step and went down two flights of stairs; causing two broken disks in my spine. After two years of looking for non-invasive solutions, I was given no other option than to have major surgery. Doctors had said, if I were to slip a third disk, I would end up in a wheel chair for the rest of my life.
In 2014 on September 11, I had a spinal cage placed in my spine, taking me two years to be able to walk. In this recovery process, I had given up on life and was going insane being in a wheel chair. My passions had always been building and restoring cars and motorcycles, and buying and re-selling antiques and collectibles. In fact, my family nickname has always been 'The Trinket Man'.
One day in talking with my wife, I decided to be an antique dealer in the city of Pasadena, CA, and had named my business 'A&I Antiques and Collectibles'. 'A&I' being the initials of my two children 'Amerysa & Isaih'. As timed passed I was more motivated in pursuing what was my passion: creating art. I finally realized that my true passion after all, was in the art industry. For over 2 years, I trained harder than ever in my life and would go to physical therapy for 4 hours a day to simply learn how to walk again. As I got better, I started messing around with scrap metal, developing art from literally trash.
In 2017, on a trip to Corpus Christi, TX, I met a family that was part of an association of metal artisans. We instantly clicked, and they were dumbfounded by all my creativity and decided to start producing all my ideas. Being that I was a car and motorcycle fanatic, I began selling my art in different car and motorcycle shows. Within 2 years, my artwork had been seen from California to Washington.
We have now grown into producing and fabricating on a worldwide scale, having clients now outside of the country, in England, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, and China. As we have grown our business, we have now implemented a full scale, home and garden decor catalog. Most people do not know why my logo is the bull. I chose the bull as a symbol of my achievements, living by the quote 'grab life by the horns'. So, always remember, God closes a small door to open up a bigger one."
~ Cesar Perez
Founder/Owner of A&I Yard Art
